Not a good picture but it will do for now..
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along? 15 weeks
Size of baby: Baby Stringer is the size of a Naval Orange
Total wight gain/loss: At my last appointment, I lost 2 pounds. I bet I have gained it back since then!
Maternity Clothes: Not yet!
Gender: Cant wait to find out!! (I think its a boy though)
Movement: Haven't felt him (or her) yet but can't wait!
Sleep: I sleep pretty good. Not near as good as I used to before I was pregnant though. I have to get up and use the restroom almost every night at least once. So annoying! And I'm sure it will only get worse!
What I miss: DR.PEPPER! Eventhough, I do have some occasionally! :) AND Monster Energy Drinks!!
Cravings: This week it has been oranges!! Maybe I am lacking some Vitamin C!!
Symptoms: Everytime I sneeze or cough, I get a sharp pain in the lower side of my stomach. It's from my muscles detaching... so depressing!! Also, my stomach always feels like it is stretching and it is so uncomfortable!
Best Moment this week: hearing all the funny things people have to say about my pregnancy!!
Best Moment this week: hearing all the funny things people have to say about my pregnancy!!
My cousin: "So, I heard your knocked up!"
My brother: "So, your getting pretty fat" (he was joking, btw)
My brother: "So, your getting pretty fat" (he was joking, btw)
As I went back to proof-read this post, I realized how depressing I sound!! I don't even seem happy about my pregnancy! But, that is TOTALLY not the case!! I am THRILLED!!! I guess it just doesn't seem real to me yet. It might sink in once I feel the baby...that's what I'm thinking anyways. Bryce and I are so thankful for this little miracle that God has placed in our lives. I pray daily for this little bean that he/she will be HEALTHY!! Thats all I want. I don't care if it is a boy or girl, I just want a healthy baby! I never really understood it when people said that after someone would ask them if they wanted a boy or a girl but now I totally understand!