Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along? 19 weeks and 1 day
Size of baby: Mango! About 10 inches long from head to toe and 8.5 oz
Total weight gain/loss: I'm not sure. I will find out at my appointment on Tuesday!
Maternity Clothes: Not yet. Pants are getting snug though.
Gender: Find out on Tuesday!! Cant wait!!!
Movement: Definitely feel the baby move alot more lately. Especially in the evenings.
Sleep: I sleep great!
What I miss: Hmmm... tanning and Dr. Pepper. ha!!
Cravings: Just food! I am hungry all the time now!!!
Symptoms: Don't have any right now! This has been the easiest pregnancy ever!! Now watch, next week I will experience all the side effects just because I spoke too soon!!
Best moment this week: Feeling the baby move
Ok, I need some help with baby names!! My favorite for a boy right now is Cooper. Don't have a middle name picked out but it needs to be short. Bryce likes Cooper but said he isn't sure if its his favorite.. I said, "It will grow on you". :)
I don't have a girls name picked out and don't even have a small idea of what I like. I like names that are not common but not weird either. I don't want a name that everyone else in the world has but I want it to be cute and something that will grow with the baby. I also like Hudson, Carter, Lane, and Pierce. Please Lord let me have a boy because I only have boy names picked out!!! Please leave a comment if you have any cute ideas for babies names. What are your favorite names?
I love. All your boy names ! We have similar tastes these are my favorite girl names
Of course Avery ;)
Cornillia Nellie for short
I love southern names one of my favorite for boys is sutton but Matt hates it ha what does he know?
I'm so glad you are doing well and the pregnancy is going ok. I have an obsession with Irish names, go figure.
Megan (my fav if you have a girl)
My favorite boy name if I had one would have been Jackson.
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