Sunday, June 12, 2011


Let me introduce you to Ellie, Elle, Ellie Kate, Ellie May, Ellie Belly, Ellie Bell. She joined our family about a week ago! She is a Schnauzer/Yorkie mix and she is the most precious little thing in the whole world....sometimes. She is about 9 weeks old.

Besides the fact that she chews on everything, bites (when she plays), pees and poops in the house and somehow manages to get poop on the wall, she is precious!!

She is like having a newborn but worse. She gets up in the night and has to go outside. Why worse? Because she is mobile. We have to watch her every move!! She LOVES to chew on cords, shoes, toes...pretty much anything that will fit in her mouth. We've already had to give her 2 baths because she doesn't quite know how to poop without getting poop all over herself. ha!! Some may think I don't know what a newborn is like, well let me tell you I certainly do! I have done plenty of babysitting and nanny jobs in my life! She really is so sweet though!

She LOVES to snuggle and be close to someone when she sleeps. She likes to be close to your face when she sleeps, its the sweetest thing. She always has to be close to someone. When someone leaves, she follows them. If she can't go with them, she cries. Its so sad!! Ellie has definitely been a joy to our family and I will be sad to leave her when I go back to Germany!

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