Thursday, January 9, 2014

29 Weeks- Baby #2

Whoa, so much for trying to do weekly pregnancy updates. At this rate, I will have monthly updates! Sorry, baby #2! Hopefully I will have a picture to post soon.

Ava and I went home for the holidays and we were in Texas for over a month. It was awesome spending the holidays with family but it is great to be back in my own home. I went for a check up a couple of days ago and baby boy is growing right on track and is healthy as can be..praise the Lord!! I am so grateful.

Weight gain: I have gained 20 pounds so far (AH!!) but feeling good. I only gained 10 pounds at 29 weeks with Ava. I eat non-stop because I am always hungry!! Baby brother likes to EAT!! Heartbeat is 158.

Maternity Clothes: My new maternity jeans from H&M are my new best friend. I just love that store! Can I get an amen?! I usually wear maternity clothes but there are a few tops that I can still squeeze into.

The baby moves all the time and I feel like his rolls and kicks are so much stronger than they were with Ava. Maybe I just forgot how it felt but I am loving every minute of it. I love being pregnant but I can not WAIT to hold this sweet boy in my arms!

Cravings: ICE!!! I go for my glucose test tomorrow so they will also test for anemia. I craved ice with Ava but it wasn't bad enough to take iron supplements.

Symptoms: Acid Reflex like nobody's business! Tums are my best friend right now. And I feel like I have completely run out of room. How can I possibly grow any larger?

What am I looking forward to? Holding this baby in my arms! I miss having a newborn! I wish I was looking forward to setting a room up but we might be moving before the baby is born so everything is on hold until we know for sure what our plans are.

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