I grew up in a very large family. I have an older brother and three younger sisters.
A little about my family...
My parents have been married for almost 25 years. My dad is an accountant and a baseball addict. My mom is a Biology teacher at the high school and the cheer coach.
Siblings: My older brother, Charles, lives in Tyler, TX and works at Suddenlink. The sister that is 2 years younger than me, Rebekah, lives with my parents and is attending Grayson County College, aka "Harvard on the hill". In the picture below, she is the one on the bottom row, far right. The next sister is Sarah, she is a senior in high school and is a cheerleader. She plans on going to a school where she can cheer and get a degree in Fashion Merchandising. Sarah is on the far right in the middle, right above Rebekah. The youngest sister is Laura. She is a freshman in high school and plays softball and is also a cheerleader. She is on the bottom row on the far left.
Me, along with all of my sisters were cheerleaders in high school. And yes, our mom was our coach. I really enjoyed it and miss it!! My parents raised us to go to church and we were really involved in our church. We were all in Awana's, choir, VBS etc. We attended summer camps every summer. Here's a cool fact that not a lot of people know... my mom homeschooled us for several years when we were younger. Once we moved to our current town, my mom put us in school. I was in the 5th grade. I seriously thought it was the end of the world for me. I did NOT want to go to public school. I was extremely shy and hated the fact that I would have to be surrounded by people I have never met. I think I cried for a month straight. Now, I am thankful that my parents put us in school.
I have an amazing family and wouldn't trade them for the world! I am so thankful that God has blessed me with a good, family who supports each other.

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