This past Thursday, Bryce and I were getting ready to head to my doctor’s appointment and he said, “Hey, wanna go to Paris today?”. Of course I said “YES!” So we packed our bags and headed out after the appointment. Bryce bought a hotel off of Priceline (the only place I will ever buy a hotel room from). He got a 4-star hotel for about half the original price! We were very pleased with the hotel!! It was very nice!
It took us about 4 hours to get to Paris. As we were entering the city, we kept being cut off by motorcycles. I had never in my life seen anything like it! When we got into some traffic, the motorcycles would fly past us in-between lanes. It got really annoying, really fast!! We thought that maybe once we actually got into the city, it wouldn’t be that bad….we were wrong! It was worse!! All I could do was pray that we wouldn’t get in a wreck! These motorcycles were crazy!! Thankfully, we didn’t get in a wreck!
Once we arrived, we parked our car about a mile and a half from out hotel (it was the closest parking garage) and then we had to walk to the hotel with our bags! Pretty exhausting but not enough to slow us down! (I had plenty of water to drink!) Once we checked into our hotel and put down our bags, we decided to walk to the Eiffel tower which was only about a mile away! I was so excited! We got to the tower and I was just in AWE! It was beautiful!! I got some great pictures too!! We didn’t get back to our room till after midnight so we were exhausted!!
The next day, we woke up bright and early, checked out of our hotel, and hit the city again! We visited the Louvre, Notre Dame, and the Eiffel tower (again) and we also walked around the city. We ate lunch at a place called the Royal Opera. I ordered a salad and Bryce got the cream pasta. Neither one of us liked what we got so we switched plates! We headed home around 6pm but didn’t get back until midnight. We stopped to get dinner and of course we had to stop about a million other times so I could go to the bathroom. Oh the joys of being pregnant! The next morning, we had a marriage conference all day so we were beyond exhausted this morning! We ended up skipping church and catching up on our rest. I hate missing church but it was definitely nice to catch up on some sleep!

The Louvre

The Royal Opera (where we ate)

Notre Dame
Front of Notre Dame

Eiffel tower during the day

Paris from the first floor of the Eiffel tower