I went to the doctor today! Thankfully, I switched doctors and I am so happy I did. My new doctor is so nice and soooo funny!!! I was not happy with my other doctor at all. She always seemed like she was in a huge hurry and wasn't very nice at all. I now go to Dr. Luciani in McKinney and he is awesome!!! It was neat to find out that he was in the Air Force for several years!
He gave me an ultrasound today in 3D AND 4D!!! He tried to figure out if I am having a boy or a girl but he said he can't see anything that makes him believe its a boy but it could always "pop out" anytime between now and 23 weeks so I go back again in 3 weeks to find out for sure what I'm having. He said everything looks good and the baby is measuring right on time! And he said that never happens. Usually the growth of the baby measures between 10 days before your due date or 10 days after and mine is measuring right at 16 weeks and 2 days!
I think Bryce and I definitely have a gymnast on our hands!! The doctor had a hard time trying to see if it was a boy or a girl because it kept doing flips and moving around! It was the cutest thing to watch!!

Can you see its cute little face?! I think this is just the sweetest picture!! He/she has its hands in the air!! So precious!!! He/she definitely has my cheek bones and Bryce's jaw line!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along? 16 weeks and 2 days
Size of baby: 5 oz
Total weight gain/loss: I gained 1 Ib back from the 3 pounds I lost a couple of weeks ago
Maternity Clothes: not yet and really not looking forward to it
Gender: Doctor says it could be a girl but it could end up being a boy. We will find out for sure in 3 weeks.
Movements: Not yet but cant wait!!
Sleep: Lately, I have been sleeping great!
What I miss? Monster energy drinks and Dr. Pepper and most of all, tanning!
Cravings: Oranges and Orange juice
Symptoms: Haven't really had any symptoms
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