Today, I had a dentist appointment. It went really well!! The dentist said I have great teeth!! And I dont even have to get my wisdom teeth out!! Woo hoo!!! He suggested I get them out but they weren't causing any problem. So I decided...if they aren't causing any problem, whats the point in going through pain for no reason??
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Munich and such..
So, this past weekend, Bryce and I went to Munich to meet up with Teresa Sipe. My mom had given her some stuff to give me. It was so much fun!! It was about a 3 1/2 hour drive. But the drive was beautiful, of course. We drove on the autobahn....which means no speed limits!! There are speed limits in certain areas which is 130 km which is about 75 mph. There is a picture below of Bryce going 110mph. We only drove that fast for about a minute because it was too scary!! When we got to Munich, we took a bus tour throughout the city. It was so cool!!! We saw a palace, an awesome college, and climbed up an extremely tall tower that over looks the city! I left my camera in the car so I don't have any pictures! :( I'm sorry! We went to eat at Haufbrauhaus. It was good!!! I had chicken and potato salad. Its so crazy to go to the restaurants here because when you look around, every single person in the restaurant will have a beer....or multiple beers!! It's definitely not like America!!
Today, I had a dentist appointment. It went really well!! The dentist said I have great teeth!! And I dont even have to get my wisdom teeth out!! Woo hoo!!! He suggested I get them out but they weren't causing any problem. So I decided...if they aren't causing any problem, whats the point in going through pain for no reason??
Today, I had a dentist appointment. It went really well!! The dentist said I have great teeth!! And I dont even have to get my wisdom teeth out!! Woo hoo!!! He suggested I get them out but they weren't causing any problem. So I decided...if they aren't causing any problem, whats the point in going through pain for no reason??
New Paint!
Here is
the freshly painted living room! This is a temporary spot for the computer. Once we get the desk, we will put it behind the big couch against the wall. It has to go right by the tv so it can be hooked up to the router for the internet. I know the curtains look getto since they dont touch the ground but they were the longest ones we could find!! Im thinking about buying a cheap dust rufle and sewing it to the bottom so they will touch the ground. Our shipment should be here in 1 WEEK so I will post pictures after the move of everything set up!! Gah, I cant wait for that day!! You have no idea what its like going a month without any of your stuff!! It will be such a
relief once we get our stuff! My next project is...painting the bedroom
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Good day!
So...yesterday was my 21st birthday and I got wasted!!!! HAHA! Im totally kidding!!! Bryce, me, and the Mimms went to Macaroni Grill and then went to get ice cream. Getting ice cream is a weekly routine. We go almost every weekend to the most amazing ice cream place!! I will have to take a pic of my ice cream the next time I go and I will post it because it is unreal!! They serve the ice cream in a tall, shaped glass and they cut tons of different fruit in cool shapes. And its delicious!! Bryce got me Chanel Chance perfume, victorias secret lotion, a $50 gift card to the SPA!!! I have never been to the spa!!! And he also got me some candy!! I cant wait to go to the spa!! Today, I just cleaned ALL DAY and did some laundry! I managed to vaccuum and mop my entire apartment! It took quite awhile because my entire apartment is tile and hard wood flooring. And guess what...I COOKED tonight!!! Imagine that!! And it was also good!! I made chicken with corn and broccoli (for bryce). I hate broccoli!! Gah, it was so delicious!! Bryce even thought it was delicious!! Welp, thats it for now!!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Its my Birthday!!
So today, I am 21. It sounds so much older than 20, I think! Bryce is working so I will be chilling at home. Probably going to clean and do some more laundry...just like I did yesterday. Bryce and I will probably go eat dinner when he gets off for work and then maybe come back to the house and have ice cream cake dessert that I made yesterday. We may invite some of our friends over, the Mimms. This weekend, we are hopefully going to go to Munchen to meet up with Teresa Sipe and Mrs. Robinson to get some things that my mom sent with her. It will be sooooo nice to see people I know!!!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
New Computer!!!
Ok so we gave in and bought a new computer. We were planning on buying a new laptop but after compairing prices, desktop computers were cheaper. I still hope I can get my laptop to work though so I can retreive all of my pictures. Tonight, Bryce and I are going to the Mimm's house (our new friends) to eat dinner. They pretty much cook for us everynight since we dont have anything to cook with at our house yet. They have been so nice to us. We are having chicken with mashed potatoes and green beans tonight. YUM!!! We wanted to go travel this weekend but we have other things that we need to pay for so hopefully we can travel in the near future. Well I guess thats its for now.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Poor laptop I think my laptop is officially a goner. The screen is completely black...I guess that means I need a new one? :) Except I dont want to loose all of my pictures so hopefully I can get it to work so I can save all of them on a disc. I am in the library on Ramstein AFB right now using the computer. Nothing excited has really happened since the last time I blogged. Bryce had a dentist appointment the other day and got his toothe partially fixed. He has to have a couple of root canals done and one of his teeth is going to have to be pulled. Poor sweetie!! I feel soo bad for him. I have never had any major teeth problems like he has and I couldnt imagine having someone jab a needle inside my gum or drilling holes all in my teeth. eek!! It gives me chills!!! His next appointment is July 2nd so please keep him in your prayers. That is when they will probably pull his bad tooth and maybe do some more root canals.
Well..its a week till my 21st birthday. It will be a sad birthday because I cant spend it with my family and friends. At least I will have my wonderful husband here with me. Not sure what were going to do..maybe go to Paris for a day? Bryce has a 3 day weekend this weekend so we may have to celebrate my birthday then. I know he wants to go somewhere but we arent sure where we want to go! So many options!!! There is Paris, Amsterdam, London, Switzerland, numberous castles, hitlers hide out, the consentration camps etc. wow! I cant wait to start traveling to all of those places!
Well..its a week till my 21st birthday. It will be a sad birthday because I cant spend it with my family and friends. At least I will have my wonderful husband here with me. Not sure what were going to do..maybe go to Paris for a day? Bryce has a 3 day weekend this weekend so we may have to celebrate my birthday then. I know he wants to go somewhere but we arent sure where we want to go! So many options!!! There is Paris, Amsterdam, London, Switzerland, numberous castles, hitlers hide out, the consentration camps etc. wow! I cant wait to start traveling to all of those places!
Monday, June 14, 2010
New Hair Cut
Yesterday, my computer was going crazy so I couldnt blog! My computer would turn on but the screen was completely black!! I dont know what in the world was wrong with it!! But for some reason, today it worked!!
Also, yesterday, I cooked!!!!! I made tator tot casserole which I have never had but it is Bryce's favorite! And guess was actually good!! And Bryce thought it was good too!! I also made a cheesecake! It was a success!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Sooo...I know everyone will probably get mad but... I cut my hair!! I cut about 5-6 inches off of it. I absolutely LOVE it!! Which isnt normal because every single time I get my hair cut, I always cry about it because I hate cutting my hair....but, I got soo tired of my long, stringy, annoying hair! It took way too long to wash it, dry it, fix it, etc. I just needed something new. When I take a pic of it, I will make sure to post it on here so everyone can see it. Its a little below my shoulders with layers and side bangs. Its so much lighter and way easier!!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Starting to feel like home...
After going a week without internet, we finally got it!!! We also got cable and a phone!! We bought a Panasonic 42 inch tv yesterday too!! We are super excited about it! Things are finally starting to all come together. I just wish our shipment would get here with all of our stuff. It should be here July 9th. Bryce and I have become friends with some couples here. They have helped us out alot with getting us where we need to go since we didnt have a car...oh yeah... WE GOT OUR CAR YESTERDAY!!!! woo hoo!!!! Its a Hyundai Senata and I LOVE IT!!!! It drives sooo good and its so nice to be able to go where we want and when we want!
As far as the military goes, Bryce is thinking about doing headcourters which means he will be working 4 days and off 2. If he chooses to do headcourters, he is guaranteed that he wont deploy for a year. If he doesnt do headcourters, he will be working a 3,2,2,3 schedule which means he works 3 days, off 2, works 2, then off 3 and he would be working 14 hour shifts. It also means that he will most likely be deployed in January. So it all depends on if he wants to deploy now or later. He is leaning more towards the headcourters job.
As far as the military goes, Bryce is thinking about doing headcourters which means he will be working 4 days and off 2. If he chooses to do headcourters, he is guaranteed that he wont deploy for a year. If he doesnt do headcourters, he will be working a 3,2,2,3 schedule which means he works 3 days, off 2, works 2, then off 3 and he would be working 14 hour shifts. It also means that he will most likely be deployed in January. So it all depends on if he wants to deploy now or later. He is leaning more towards the headcourters job.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Since the wedding...
So...since everyone wants to know about Germany, I decided to start a blog to keep everyone updated. Germany has been a big transition and its been hard to get used to. I miss my family and all my friends. I also miss the summer weather!! Its about 60-70 degrees everyday which isnt bad but it gets cold at night. I want to go to the lake and wear shorts and wear sunglasses!! I miss being hot!! I also miss being tan!!! But I sacrifice all of these things for my wonderful husband!! We are here for a purpose and I know that God will do good things here!! I am making the best of this experience and I cant wait to see whats ahead of us! The food is wonderful!!! Mostly everything here is Italian and its amazing!!! The scenery is beautiful as well!!
A couple of days ago, Bryce and I took our drivers license test and we both passed!! I actually failed the first time but I passed the second time!! Everyone warned us that the test would be super hard!! About 5 people out of the 25 that took the test passed! The driving here is a little different than American driving. The really weird thing is that if a road is unmarked (meaning if it doesnt say its a priority road), you have to yeild to the right. Even if its on a main road. Thats gunna take some getting used to!
We finally bought a car!!! Its a blue Hyundai Senata!! I absolutely love it!! We got a great deal on it compared to the car prices here! There are junky cars that are around $5000-$8000 or brand new cars for $20000 so we found something inbetween those which is super hard to find because they tend to go really fast here!! The car is at the dealer right now getting detailed so we wont get it till probably next Wednesday or Thursday. Until then, we have a rental car but it has to be turned in on Friday. We rented the car for 2 weeks and it was $500 so we dont want to spend another $250 to have it for another week. We will hopefully just be able to catch rides with people or take a taxi.
We move into our house on FRIDAY!!! I am super excited!!! We will have temporary furniture until our shipment comes in...which we dont know when that will be. Probably July. The house is actually like an apartment. We will be on the 2nd floor and the apartment is over 1000 square feet!! Its really big for just the two of us!! There are 2 bedrooms and 1 bath (which means visitors are ALWAYS welcome!!). :)
Thats it for now!! Im new at the whole blogging thing so I will hopefully try to remember to keep everyone posted!! Thanks for reading!!!
A couple of days ago, Bryce and I took our drivers license test and we both passed!! I actually failed the first time but I passed the second time!! Everyone warned us that the test would be super hard!! About 5 people out of the 25 that took the test passed! The driving here is a little different than American driving. The really weird thing is that if a road is unmarked (meaning if it doesnt say its a priority road), you have to yeild to the right. Even if its on a main road. Thats gunna take some getting used to!
We finally bought a car!!! Its a blue Hyundai Senata!! I absolutely love it!! We got a great deal on it compared to the car prices here! There are junky cars that are around $5000-$8000 or brand new cars for $20000 so we found something inbetween those which is super hard to find because they tend to go really fast here!! The car is at the dealer right now getting detailed so we wont get it till probably next Wednesday or Thursday. Until then, we have a rental car but it has to be turned in on Friday. We rented the car for 2 weeks and it was $500 so we dont want to spend another $250 to have it for another week. We will hopefully just be able to catch rides with people or take a taxi.
We move into our house on FRIDAY!!! I am super excited!!! We will have temporary furniture until our shipment comes in...which we dont know when that will be. Probably July. The house is actually like an apartment. We will be on the 2nd floor and the apartment is over 1000 square feet!! Its really big for just the two of us!! There are 2 bedrooms and 1 bath (which means visitors are ALWAYS welcome!!). :)
Thats it for now!! Im new at the whole blogging thing so I will hopefully try to remember to keep everyone posted!! Thanks for reading!!!
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