Ok so if you know me well, you know I have never been trick-or-treating and Im not big into halloween AT ALL!! I was taught that it was the devils holiday. My family always went to the Fall Festivals at our church. We turned off our lights at night and went to the back of the house so the trick-or-treaters thought we werent home.
With that said, I have become alot more open-minded to it because of my husband but Im still a little un-sure of it. Bryce and I decided to hand out candy to the kids today so I took a trip to the commisary to get some candy. They didnt have any so I went to the BX. Someone PLEASE remind me to NEVER go to either the commisary OR the BX the day before Halloween!!! It was aweful!!! There were a million people there and there wasnt even alot of candy left! I only had two options with candy. Reese's and Milky Way. So, I got a package of both.
As I came home, there were a MILLION kids in the streets getting candy (about an hour ago) and so I excidedly came in to the house, poured the candy in a dish and turned the lights on....and as of right now, the door bell has YET to ring!!
All that worry for nothing....
When I say worry, I mean WORRY!! How much candy do I give out? What do I say after I give them candy? What if they ask for more? What if I run out? All of these things have been running through my mind!! I know I may be over reacting here but, seriously!!
On a different note, I dont and will never understand why people dress in scary costumes. I was FRIGHTENED of them when I was little and still to this day am TERRIFIED when I see someone in a scary costume! Is it amusing to scare people?! Do they enjoy it? I dont get how people can be so cruel!! When I am laying in my bed in a dark room, all I can picture is those scary people watching me in the corner of my room! Yes, I am 21 years old and sometimes feel like a 10 year old.
On a HAPPY note, Bryce and I attended a Gary Chapman conference today!!! He is the author of "The 5 Love Languages". It was AWESOME!!!! I learned so much and I think Bryce did too!! We both definitely needed some wise councel and we definitely got it!! I cant wait to see what the future holds for us!
Hope everyone has a Happy (not scary) Halloween!!!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Its been a LONG week!
Last week, I did'nt have to work because the DoD schools were out and the MDO's schedule goes along with the DoD schools. Sooo, of course the days that I'm off, Bryce had to work. Ha!
This past weekend, there was a Fest going on in downtown Kaiserslautern so Bryce and I decided to check it out! It was actually a lot of fun! We ate some good food and then when some of Bryce's friends got there, we rode a couple of rides. It got REALLY cold, to the point where it was miserable!! It HAD to be in the 30's. During the day here, its in the low 40's so I knew it was in the 30's that night. I had on leggings, jeans, uggs with 2 pairs of socks, a t-shirt under a sweat shirt which was under a huge coat and I also wore gloves! And after all that, it was still FREEZING! HA!
I really wanted some hot chocolate but appariently, the Germans dont do much of that! But everyone did have a hot cup of wine, which is so weird! Bryce decided to get some just to see what it was like, and also because we were FREEZING and needed something warm to drink....it was GROSS!!! Ah!! Im sure it would be good to a wine drinker, but I hate wine!!
On Sunday, we attended Frontline Community again and once again, it was GREAT!! I absolutely LOVE that church!!! Next week they are having a chili cook-off thing and I really hope Bryce and I are able to go so we can meet some people from their. Last week was Baptism sunday and there were alot of people that got baptized! It was great because the paster opened it up to everyone! If there was someone in the church that became a Christian but hadnt been baptized, he told them that if they wanted to be baptized, to come on down!! And they did!
There was a man there and it was his first Sunday. He just got back from Iraq on the 19th of this month. He became a Christian in Iraq and when he got home, he led his family to Christ! Isnt that awesome?! And he had to opportunity to be Baptized in Iraq but he said that he had already done alot away from his family and being baptized was something he wanted his family to see. So needless to say, he walked down front in his dress pants and nice shirt and got baptized! No change of clothes, no towel, nothin! Praise God! Then after that, his son walked down and wanted to get baptized as well (remember his dad led him to Christ when he got home from Iraq). How cool!! It was a great Sunday!!
On a totally different note, a week from today, the love of my life will be leaving me for 2 1/2 weeks. He has to go to training for his deployment. Oh my! What in the world am I going to do!!! You may be thinking, come on liz its not a big deal, he is going to have to leave you for 6 months soon!! I know I know, but I will be back in the states when he deploys! When he leaves for 2 1/2 weeks, I will be stuck here, only working 2 days a week, not really any friends, ALONE!!! I am dreading it!! The only thing I look forward to everyday is Bryce coming home from work! And when he leaves, what will I have to look forward to?!?! NOTHING! AH!!! I want to cry just thinking about it!!! Please pray for me!!!
Bryce and I in the car before we headed out in the misserable cold weather at the fest!
This is a pretty tree right outside our window!
Here are some pictures of the trees! They are REALLY pretty! I took these pictures while driving! HA! Not smart, I know! But I had to get pics before the leaves fall! 
Monday, October 18, 2010
Busy Day!
Today I slept in but Bryce had to go into work for a deployment training. :( For the first time ever, he got to come home for lunch, for 2 hours!!! It was great! Then I went with him to take him back to work at 2pm and I went and ran some errands.
When he got off at about 4pm, we went back home to get his cleats for a flag football game. Turns out, he couldnt find his cleats. I guess he left them in Amarillo.
So, we had to go back to Ramstein and buy him some new cleats for his game. He loves them! :) Then, we went to his game. The team is in the playoffs and a friend of Bryce's on the team asked him to come play for a guy that wasn't there. Sadly, Bryce didn't get to play but its not really a big deal because his team got STOMPED on!!! The score ended up being 21-0 I think. It was bad.
Then, we went and worked out. When we got home, I made chicken enchiladas and mexican rice! YUM! It was really good!! Now Bryce is playing his new video game and I'm tired and ready to go to bed! ha.
Yesterday, we attended Frontline Community Church again and it was GREAT!!! Even better than the week before! Music really does make a huge difference in church. I loved how layed back and contemporary Fronline is but yet the Lord definitely moves in that church!
The paster said "Its open mike night, except in the morning". He is quite humerous! Instead of the paster preaching a sermon, people came up and spoke about how faithful the Lord has been in their life lately. It was awesome!
When he got off at about 4pm, we went back home to get his cleats for a flag football game. Turns out, he couldnt find his cleats. I guess he left them in Amarillo.
So, we had to go back to Ramstein and buy him some new cleats for his game. He loves them! :) Then, we went to his game. The team is in the playoffs and a friend of Bryce's on the team asked him to come play for a guy that wasn't there. Sadly, Bryce didn't get to play but its not really a big deal because his team got STOMPED on!!! The score ended up being 21-0 I think. It was bad.
Then, we went and worked out. When we got home, I made chicken enchiladas and mexican rice! YUM! It was really good!! Now Bryce is playing his new video game and I'm tired and ready to go to bed! ha.
Yesterday, we attended Frontline Community Church again and it was GREAT!!! Even better than the week before! Music really does make a huge difference in church. I loved how layed back and contemporary Fronline is but yet the Lord definitely moves in that church!
The paster said "Its open mike night, except in the morning". He is quite humerous! Instead of the paster preaching a sermon, people came up and spoke about how faithful the Lord has been in their life lately. It was awesome!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Yesterday, Bryce and I went out to eat with the Mimms and their friend Amanda and her son Coen. It was alot of fun! We haven't gotten to hang out with the Mimms in a while and Kristie is about to have a baby soon so it was our last chance to hang out before she has her baby, Bella!
She is due in Novemeber but at her last appointment, the doctor said Bella is already 7Ib+. I don't think she will make it to November! We went to an Italian restaurant in Landstuhl. They have amazing pasta!!
After we ate, we went to get ice cream at our favorite ice cream shop!
Here is a video of Coen eating a lemon at the restaurant. I guess he liked it since he kept eating it. It is sooo funny!! You have to watch it!!!! I couldn't hold the camera still because I was laughing so hard! Sorry!
Today, I cleaned house all day since Bryce worked. When he got home, we went to Globus. It is a HUGE store!! Its like a walmart and sams and target all put together, German style! They have a restaurant in there along with a few small stores. Our plan was to just eat at the restaurant but that didnt happen... We always find stuff there that looks good so we HAVE to try it!
We got some bread, you can NEVER go wrong with German bread!! Its amazing! I'm not even a big bread eater but oh my, once I had German bread, I fell in love!
We also got some candy. We can never leave Globus without finding some candy that looks good. How can you not? There are 2 aisles full of just candy!!
We also got some pastries. Bryce got a strawberry cake roll thingy. I got a huge cream puff!! It is delicious!!! Here is a pic so you can see how delicious it looks.
She is due in Novemeber but at her last appointment, the doctor said Bella is already 7Ib+. I don't think she will make it to November! We went to an Italian restaurant in Landstuhl. They have amazing pasta!!
After we ate, we went to get ice cream at our favorite ice cream shop!
Here is a video of Coen eating a lemon at the restaurant. I guess he liked it since he kept eating it. It is sooo funny!! You have to watch it!!!! I couldn't hold the camera still because I was laughing so hard! Sorry!
Today, I cleaned house all day since Bryce worked. When he got home, we went to Globus. It is a HUGE store!! Its like a walmart and sams and target all put together, German style! They have a restaurant in there along with a few small stores. Our plan was to just eat at the restaurant but that didnt happen... We always find stuff there that looks good so we HAVE to try it!
We got some bread, you can NEVER go wrong with German bread!! Its amazing! I'm not even a big bread eater but oh my, once I had German bread, I fell in love!
We also got some candy. We can never leave Globus without finding some candy that looks good. How can you not? There are 2 aisles full of just candy!!
We also got some pastries. Bryce got a strawberry cake roll thingy. I got a huge cream puff!! It is delicious!!! Here is a pic so you can see how delicious it looks.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Show Us Your Life: Office

Bryce and I don't really have an "Office" but I guess you can consider our computer area our mini-office! My wedding colors were dark teal and black and the feather arrangement is from a centerpiece and I LOVE it. The amazing canvas is from Bryce's aunt. She made it all by herself!:) It is one of my favorite things in the house. I put the teal "things" around the office area since I don't have much teal in my house. Enjoy!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Boring week!
This week has been pretty boring. Nothing exciting has really happened. I worked Mothers Day Out yesterday and I worked Kids Korner today. Bryce and I are about to go to the store since today was pay day!! :) Tomorrow, I am going to a Thirty-One party!! I AM SOOOO EXCITED!!!! I really cant wait! It will be a good chance to get to know some ladies and just hang out and spend money on super cute stuff!! I have already looked through the catalogue and I already know what Im going to get. I have been in need of a lunch box of some sort to take to work with me. Thirty-One has super cute lunch boxes and I can monogram it too!!! This makes me so happy! :) I also want to get some more stationary. My mother-in-law got me some for Christmas last year and they are almost gone and I really want some more! :)
Bryce has to work this weekend which is a bummer because that means I have to go to church by myself, again! Last week we visited a new church, Frontline Community. It was much better than the one we were attending. Its alot more layed back and contemporary, like Sherman Bible. I miss Sherman Bible soooo much!! I absolutely love that church!
Now its time to go get some lunch with my sweet husband!
Have a great day!!
Bryce has to work this weekend which is a bummer because that means I have to go to church by myself, again! Last week we visited a new church, Frontline Community. It was much better than the one we were attending. Its alot more layed back and contemporary, like Sherman Bible. I miss Sherman Bible soooo much!! I absolutely love that church!
Now its time to go get some lunch with my sweet husband!
Have a great day!!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Show Us Your Life: Kitchen
Today, At Kelly's Korner, its Show Us Your Life Friday! Today I'm showing my kitchen. I absolutely LOVE my kitchen. I think its my favorite room in the house! I also love to cook in my kitchen! I got everything I needed (plus some) for my kitchen as wedding gifts! I didnt get any electronics because of the different outlets. I planned on just buying them here in Germany. Well, I still havent gotten anything! I really want a blender!! We also need a toaster but its not a NEED right now. I will eventually convince myself to go buy the kitchen electronics...just havent been convinced yet. I just dont want to spend the money! I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend! Bryce is off tomorrow and Sunday! I cant wait! :)
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Kris Allen
Yesterday, Kris Allen was at the BX to sign autographs. It started at 1pm and I was a little late getting ready so Bryce and I left the house at about 1:30pm to go get an autograph. By the time we got there, it was about 2pm...I missed him by 5 minutes!! AHH!!! I was sooo upset! But thankfully, he was having a free concert at the Kazabra Club that night! Soooo, I dragged Bryce with me to go see him play! It lasted about an hour and he was GREAT!! I didnt realize he was so short!! He is barely taller than me!! And Im only 5'2. Here are some pictures from our crazy fun night...or my crazy fun night..not so much Bryce's. Ha!

Friday, October 1, 2010
Show Us Your Life: Dining Room!
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