Bryce and I don't really have an "Office" but I guess you can consider our computer area our mini-office! My wedding colors were dark teal and black and the feather arrangement is from a centerpiece and I LOVE it. The amazing canvas is from Bryce's aunt. She made it all by herself!:) It is one of my favorite things in the house. I put the teal "things" around the office area since I don't have much teal in my house. Enjoy!!

Your office is cute! I love teal...I'm getting ready to paint my living room teal. :)
What a sweet office! I love the collage in your last picture - great color palette!
I love your collage....very artistic. How did you do it?
I love your office, so cute! I really like that cross!! I love that collage too, so pretty!
I love the canvas collage!
Thanks everyone! The collage is made with a canvas and the lady who made it used modge podge (sp?).
Very nice! I love the black feathers and your pretty collage. :)
The canvas is awesome!
Your office is cute.
I am an Air Force brat.
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